


Monday, 31 August 2015

GO.MS.No.63, Dt. 31-08-2015 A.P.Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16

A.P. Government have decided to call for the applications for transfer of teachers through online and conduct web counseling duly obtaining the options as
was done in the transfer counseling of A.P. Model Schools, Admission into DIETCET etc. The Headmasters/teachers shall apply online in the IP address given for the purpose.

 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 78 and 99 of A.P. Education Act 1982 (Act 1 of 1982) and under Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all the earlier Rules and guidelines on transfer of teachers, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules regulating the transfers of the categories of Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted, School Assistants and S.G.T.s and their equivalent categories in the A.P. School Education Service and A.P. School Education Subordinate Service working in the Government Schools and Z.P.P. and MPP Schools in the State.

TO download complete GO.Ms.NO.63: CLICK HERE