


Monday, 17 August 2015


ZPPF Slips and Statements AP



          The employees, who are belongs to Panchayat Raj, their GPF accounts are maintained by CEO , Zilla Parishad. For ZP GPF credits and part final withdrawals to an employee can get with the approval of concerned DDO i.e., Head master For High School  Staff and MEO to the primary and upper primary Schools staff.

          Every employee has to contribute minimum 6% of his basic pay from his salary as ZP GPF subscription fund. The employee who are going to retire from the serv ice they can stop their subscription 4 monts before to the retirement dat

          An employee must fill nominee for ZP GPF account for the purpose , if any accidental things happen during in the service. The ZP GPF benefits will pay to nominee concerned. Entry of nominee name and particulars in Service Register must to avoid further conflicts.

ZP GPF Advance:

          An employee can get ZP GPF advance according to the following rules and can get ZP GPF advance temporarily.

i.            The ZP GPF credit is equal to three months’ salary of an employee or 50% of total amount which is in ZP GPF account of an employee whichever is less taking into the consideration.

ii.            An employee can get ZP GPF advance two times in service.
iii.           For the treatment of self or dependent can get GPF credit.
iv.            For the educational related expenditure of self or dependent , for the higher education in foreign country or in India .
v.             For funeral ceremony of family members, marriage, marriage engagements and birthday parties.
vi.          For tours and travels expenditure.
vii.       The issues related to the service matters , for facing adverse situation expenditure.
viii.      For the purpose of purchase house, construction of house and repairs expenditure.
ix.          At the end of service , that is 6months before the retirement can get advance for purchase cultivation lands and business purpose lands.
x.            To purchase motor car.

          An employee , to get ZP GPF Advance apply in prescribed format which is available at the ZPPF office with relevant evidence and reasons submit to the sanctioned authority. The loan which employee got could pay in 24installments. The 24 installments should not exceed.

Part Final Withdrawal

          The employees who completd 20years of service or those who are going to retire within 10years can get loan from their ZP GPF account. The partfinal withdrawal may not refund again. The following measures taking into the consideration before sanctioning the ‘Part Final Withdrawal’.

       i.            For the expenditure of Son/Daughter educational purpose.
     ii.            For treatment related expenditure like Health, Medical, Special food and     travelling .
  iii.            For the purpose of purchase house, construction of house and repairs     expenditure.
  iv.            Employee could not get loan two times for single reason.
     v.            Employee who are going to retire within four months could not get loan under   this.

  vi.            Employee can get according to the situation prevailed , 6 or 10 months’ salary or 75% percent of total ZP GPF amount


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