G.O.MS.No.67 Dated:12-10-2015 Enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the employees of APSWREI Societ
Government of Andhra Pradesh has issued G.O.MS.No.67 Dated:12-10-2015 through the Social
Welfare Department for A.P. Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions
Society about Enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the
employees of Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational
Institutions Society, Hyderabad
After careful examination of the
matter, Government hereby extend the
benefit of the enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) years to (60)
years to the employees of Andhra Pradesh
Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, and to the
persons working in the institutions located in the 13 Districts of Andhra
Pradesh subject to following conditions:
a) The
APSWREI Society has to amend its service rules to provide the benefit of enhanced age of superannuation to its employees.
b) The
enhancement may be made applicable only to such employees who are allotted to
the successor State of A.P. or ordered to serve in the successor State of A.P.
by specific orders issued in that regard
by competent authority.
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