


Saturday, 23 July 2016

G.O.Ms.No.56 Dated 23.07.2016 Providing Bicycles to all the girl students studying in IX class in AP State

G.O.Ms.No.56 Dated 23.07.2016 Providing Bicycles to all the girl students studying in IX class in AP State

Andhra Pradesh Government  has issued a G.O.Ms.No.56 on 23.07.2016 through School Education Department for Providing Bicycles to all the girl students studying in IX class in Govt/Aided / ZPP / Municipal / Model Schools

In the reference From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad, Lr Rc.No.100/PS I /2016, dated 13.04.2016, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad has submitted a proposal for providing bicycles by introducing new scheme to girl students studying IX class in Government management schools with an intention to reduce dropouts, to increase enrolment and attendance and to improve academic performance of girl students with an estimated cost of Rs.74,92,72,000/- (Rupees Seventy Four Crores, Ninety Two Lakhs ,Seventy Two Thousand Only). For the SC/ST/BC/OBC girl students, the cost of supply of bicycles is to be met from their respective sub-plans. For OC BPL girl students, the estimated cost is Rs. 14,57,44,000/- and the expenditure is to be met by way of re-appropriation of funds from the approved budget of Rs.20 crores provided for bio-metric devices for the School Education Head of the Department from BE 2016-17.

After careful examination of the proposal, Government hereby accord sanction to the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad to provide bicycles under new scheme “ BADIKOSTHA” to all the girl students studying in IX class in Govt/Aided /ZPP/Municipal/Model Schools without any other condition of eligibility to increase enrolment, and attendance and to improve academic performance of girl students with an estimated cost of Rs.74,92,72,000/- (Rupees Seventy Four Crores, Ninety Two Lakhs, Seventy Two Thousand Only). The expenditure in respect of SC/ST/BC/OBC girl students shall be met from the respective Sub Plans of Social Welfare/ Tribal Welfare/B.C. Welfare and the expenditure for providing bicycles to OC girl students shall be met by way of re-appropriation of funds, if required, from BE 2016-17 of School Education Department.

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad is also directed to float tenders for centralized procurement so as to negotiate the most competitive price and select the successful bidder, but distribution shall be taken up in decentralized management manner led by District Collectors and also to see that the bicycles shall be delivered at school point by the firm concerned. She is also requested to work out the cost of supply of bicycles in respect of SC/ST/B.C. girl students each and inform the same to the Commissioners of Social Welfare /Tribal Welfare/B.C. Welfare, A.P. Hyderabad to enable them to transfer the required amount from their budget.
The Commissioners of Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare/B.C. Welfare, A.P. Hyderabad are requested to identify the savings from their budget allocated for 2016-17 or to identify from respective Sub-Plan budget by way of re-appropriation if required, and transfer the amount to the School Education Department through the Finance Department in respect of the expenditure required for procurement and providing bicycles to SC/ST/B.C. girl students as indicted by the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad.

The Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare/B.C. Welfare and the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly.

This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-Education) Department vide their U.O. No. 41022/16/2016, dated 19.07.2016.

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